

Product Description

Potassium humate is the potassium salt of the Humic Acid. It is the soluble form of humic acid. Humic substances play a vital role in soil fertility and plant nutrition. Plants grown in soils containing adequate levels of Humic substances are less prone to stress, healthier and produce higher yields and nutritionally superior foods.

Humic substances have three types of effect on soil and plants

  • They physically modify the structure of the soil.
  • They chemically change the properties of the soil.
  • They biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-organisms.

Chemical Benefits

  • Act as a natural chelator (by providing a high cationic exchange capacity) to improve the uptake of minerals, nutrients and trace elements by plants.
  • Act as a buffer to neutralise alkaline and acidic soils, freeing many previously bound trace elements stabilize or assist in the degradation of toxic substances (including toxic pesticides.

Physical Benefits

  • Improve the soil`s water holding capacity – Humic substances function as water sponges.
  • Increase soil aeration and soil workability by improving `crumb` structure in the top soil.
  • Encourage soil animals.
  • Help maintain a more uniform soil temperature.

Biological Benefits

  • Stimulate the growth and proliferation of beneficial soil organisms (algae, yeast, bacteria, nematodes and mycorrhizae).
  • Enhance root initiation and improve root growth.
  • Accelerate seed germination.
  • Regulate hormone levels in stressed plant.

We offer potassium humates that are used as a multi-function compound fertilizer after combination with nitrogen and phosphorus. These are highly biodegraded and compressed remains of ancient plant and animal materials. These are also used as soil conditioners, plant growth stimulant and fertilizers efficiency promoters. We offer these humates at most competitive prices:

We offer following products

  • Potassium Humate powder.
  • Potassium Humate shiny Crystals.
  • Super Potassium Humate.
  • Super Potassium F Humate.
  • Humic Acid powder.


500 gm, 1 kg , 5 kg and Bulk.

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